1 - 10 / 260  
Pos Gun time No. First name Last name Club Chip Time Chip Pos Gender Pos Chip Category Pos Chip
112 01:26:36 4966 Fiona Cook West Cheshire Athletic Club 01:26:35 112 Female 5 5 FV40 1 1
113 01:26:36 5667 Laura Dutton Run 4 U and Perform Running Club 01:26:36 113 Female 6 6 FV40 2 2
157 01:29:03 212 Zoe Lee   01:28:52 155 Female 10 10 FV40 3 3
243 01:32:54 6814 Helen Beck Wakefield District H & AC 01:32:54 253 Female 21 21 FV40 4 4
272 01:33:44 24 Dawn Atherton Western Athletic Club (Isle of Man) 01:33:44 283 Female 26 27 FV40 5 5
323 01:35:19 4357 Sarah Grindle Shropshire Shufflers 01:35:03 341 Female 32 32 FV40 6 6
405 01:37:28 2324 Beverley Willis Vegan Runners UK 01:37:00 416 Female 39 39 FV40 7 7
438 01:38:18 4757 Paiwan Dodd Chester Triathlon Club 01:37:55 454 Female 42 43 FV40 8 8
466 01:39:00 760 Emma Roberts Chester Road Runners 01:39:00 513 Female 45 50 FV40 9 10
504 01:39:37 4235 Victoria Lea   01:38:39 492 Female 49 45 FV40 10 9